Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pretty Little Liars - Someone Just Tell Me Who "A" Is!

Photo courtesy of www.tvclash.com

This ABC Family hit television show called "Pretty Little Liars" is about four girls that had their fifth friend and "head honcho" in their circle of friends mysteriously go missing the summer before their senior year of high school. The show is currently in the second season and is based off a series of books. In the first season of Pretty Little Liars, it was discovered that Allison also known as "A" was murdered, although the four main characters (Allison's friends) are constantly being tormented by a mysterious individual that goes by the title of "A".  In every episode of “Pretty Little Liars” the truth of Allison's death seems to get farther and farther away as well as the identity of "A". When this show first started my fiancĂ©e forced me to watch week after week, now I’m hooked! However, having said this I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. I just want to find out who killed Allison, why they did it, and what's going to happen to that person. Also, who is "A"? Seriously, how long can the show go on before the audience finds out who the mysterious "A" is? Well if you haven't yet seen this show or just want a little preview for next week's episode, here's the link for the website where you can catch up on episodes and learn more about the show in general. Don't forget to set your DVRs for the "Pretty Little Liars" marathon to get you up to speed if you haven't been watching as religiously as I have been, which taking place next monday on ABC Family. The marathon will be leading up to an all new episode starting at 8:00 pm on ABC Family. 

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